Title: The Man Who Smiled
Author: Henning Mankell
Genre: Detective, thriller
Ranking: 7.5 out of 10.0
Buy: Maybe
Borrow: Yes
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Man-Who-Smiled-Kurt-Wallander/dp/0099571722/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Summary: The Man Who Smiled begins with Wallander deep in a personal and professional crisis after killing a man in the line of duty; he wants to quit the Ystad police force. However, a lawyer who had asked Wallander to look into the death of his father winds up dead himself, shot three times. Ann-Britt Hoglund, the department's first female detective, proves to be his best ally as he tries to pierce the facade of his prime suspect, a powerful multinational business tycoon. But just as he comes close to uncovering the truth, the same shadowy threats responsible for the murders close in on Wallander himself.
Main review:
Spiralling into an alcohol-fuelled depression after killing a man in the line of duty, Inspector Kurt Wallander has made up his mind to quit the police force.
When a lawyer seeks Wallander's help to investigate the suspicious circumstances in which his father has died, Kurt hesitates. But when his contact turns up dead, shot three times, Wallander decides he needs to do something.
He returns to work and is welcomed back and asked to head a double murder case. An reclusive business tycoon seems to be the common denominator in the two deaths. But while Wallander is on the trail of the killer, somebody is on the trail of Wallander, and closing in fast.
When a lawyer seeks Wallander's help to investigate the suspicious circumstances in which his father has died, Kurt hesitates. But when his contact turns up dead, shot three times, Wallander decides he needs to do something.
He returns to work and is welcomed back and asked to head a double murder case. An reclusive business tycoon seems to be the common denominator in the two deaths. But while Wallander is on the trail of the killer, somebody is on the trail of Wallander, and closing in fast.
All of Mankell's talents as a master of the modern police procedural--which have earned him legions of fans worldwide--are showcased in The Man Who Smiled, which is the fourth of the Wallander books. Sadly, Makell died in 2015.
Further reading suggestion: The Return of the Dancing Master - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0031RS79A/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
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