Title: Prophecy
Author: Peter James
Genre: Thriller
Ranking: 8.0 out of 10.0
Buy: Yes
Borrow: Yes
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Prophecy-Peter-James/dp/1407217054/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Summary: Frannie Monsanto bumped into a handsome widower and his son on her way north to deliver a double bass to a friend. She could scarcely believe it when she saw the advertisement by him asking to see her again. Frannie had no reason, when she replied to the ad, to connect the aristocrat with the obscure prophecies from her university days - until strange things start to happen.
Main review:
Frannie Monsanto bumped into a handsome widower and his young son on her way north to deliver a double bass to a friend. She could scarcely believe it when she saw the advertisement in Private Eye by him asking to see her again. Frannie had no reason, when she replied to the ad, to connect the stranger - who turns out to be an aristocrat (Lord Oliver Sherfield) - with the obscure prophecies from her university days using a Ouija board with six friends - until strange things start to happen.
Unexpectedly, one by one, her friends experience their prophesied future. For example, one had 'dark' as her future and she caught a rare eye disease in South East Asia and went blind. Another fell down a lift shaft and his prophecy was' humpty dumpty'. Apparently, Oliver had an ancestor who was a devil worshiper and, amazingly, he used what turned out to be her parents' cafe cellar as his den. And that was where they used the Ouija board.
After several more deaths and accidents, Frannie finally realises that she is the conduit for this evil monster and seeks the services of an exorcist. The ending is good for Frannie, Oliver and Edward.
Peter James keeps the pace going and although taken together all the vents defy logic, he manages to keep your disbelief suspended as you read on.
Further reading suggestion: The Perfect Murder - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Perfect-Murder-Peter-James/dp/144726603X/
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